Changing Color Scheme

We tried to make the process of color scheme customization as easy as possible.

By default ng2-admin has three built-in color profiles: ng2 (default blue scheme), mint and blur. This article will help you to create your own color profile. Let’s say you want to make ng2-admin dark theme.

First we advise you to take some existing colorscheme file as a starting point. For light themes we suggest taking src/app/theme/sass/conf/colorScheme/_mint.scss and for dark src/app/theme/sass/conf/colorScheme/_blue.scss. As we want a dark theme, we’re taking blue.

1) Copy src/app/theme/sass/conf/colorScheme/_blue.scss to src/app/theme/sass/conf/colorScheme/_dark.scss:

2) Include your colorscheme file in src/app/theme/sass/conf/conf.scss.

To do this, replace

@import 'colorSchemes/ng2';


@import 'colorSchemes/dark';

3) Change the color scheme enabled:

Open src/app/theme/theme.config.ts. Uncomment the following line

  //this._baConfig.changeTheme({name: 'my-theme'});

and put your theme name, in our case it is dark

  this._baConfig.changeTheme({name: 'dark'});

Beside notifying the system which scheme is currently enabled, this also puts a css class to a main element of the page. Thus you can freely create theme-specific css selectors in your code without breakking other themes’ styles.

For example like this:

. dark .card-body {
  background-color: white;

4) Change the colors:

Now you can start changing the colors. For example, after playing a bit with different colors, we changed the 2 first main variables in _dark.scss file:

$body-bg: #636363;
$bootstrap-panel-bg: rgba(#000000, 0.2);

After this is done, you need to setup javascript to use the same colors. These colors are used for javascript charts and other components (maps, etc); Let’s completely change the JS colors to a new set. To do this, add the following code to the configuration block inside src/app/theme/theme.config.ts:

  let colorScheme = {
    primary: '#209e91',
    info: '#2dacd1',
    success: '#90b900',
    warning: '#dfb81c',
    danger: '#e85656',
    default: '#4e4e55',
    defaultText: '#e2e2e2',
    border: '#dddddd',
    borderDark: '#aaaaaa',

    primary: colorScheme.primary,
    success: colorScheme.success,
    warning: colorScheme.warning,
    danger: colorScheme.danger,

    primaryLight: colorHelper.tint(colorScheme.primary, 30),
    infoLight: colorHelper.tint(, 30),
    successLight: colorHelper.tint(colorScheme.success, 30),
    warningLight: colorHelper.tint(colorScheme.warning, 30),
    dangerLight: colorHelper.tint(colorScheme.danger, 30),

    primaryDark: colorHelper.shade(colorScheme.primary, 15),
    infoDark: colorHelper.shade(, 15),
    successDark: colorHelper.shade(colorScheme.success, 15),
    warningDark: colorHelper.shade(colorScheme.warning, 15),
    dangerDark: colorHelper.shade(colorScheme.danger, 15),

    dashboard: {
      blueStone: '#005562',
      surfieGreen: '#0e8174',
      silverTree: '#6eba8c',
      gossip: '#b9f2a1',
      white: '#10c4b5',

Here we defined a list of main colors colorScheme and then made light and dark versions of those using colorHelper methods. We also defined a couple of custom colors for dashboard charts.

That’s basically it! Right now your admin application should look like this:

For further reference, please look in

  • Colorscheme scss file (src/app/theme/sass/conf/colorScheme/_ng2.scss, src/app/theme/sass/conf/colorScheme/_mint.scss and src/app/theme/sass/conf/colorScheme/_blur.scss)
  • src/app/theme/theme.configProvider.js to understand which javascript colors can be changed
  • If you want to know how to change the theme to blur, read the following article